Wednesday, July 22, 2009

There will be a riders meeting for the expert class starting at 7:00AM Friday where they will receive their rally packs. The Novice class will meet at 7:30AM for final words from the Rally Master. The riders will be released at 8:00AM and return NO LATER than 4:00PM. There will be NO grace period, period. If your back at 4:00:01 that’s a DNF. Tough luck Chuck.

The bonus locations will be sent out to the riders about one week before the rally in a Mapsource file and a MS Word file for the route sheets. You will need to print out a hard copy of the Route sheet and bring it to the Rally Rallye. There WILL be addition information that could affect your route given out the morning of the rally but no additional bonuses. Most bonuses will be questions that you answer from the bonus location. I’ve tried to make these questions as Google proof as possible. Please resist the temptation to “swing by” a bonus location on your way to CFO. That would be cheating and we’re not cheaters, are we? That and I am a Rally Master and I’m just itching to throw someone out of the rally. You don’t want to be my first.

There will be two classes.
Expert- those that have run any rally before except the previous Rally Rallyes.
Novice- those that have never run a rally before.

The rider who scores the most points overall and in each class will be recognized but the rider who comes closest to a secret score chosen at random before the rally will win the Grand Prize. Right now our swag-miesters are working on this grandest of prizes.

The Rally Rallye will be run under the Team Strange Uniform Rules found here Use of Team Strange rules is with the permission of Team Strange and does not constitute an endorsement of The Rally Rallye by Team Strange or any of its principal officers. Their rules cover a lot more ground than we'll have to deal with on this rally. Obvious exceptions will be the rules made specifically for the Butt-Lite. Also the TS digital photo rules will not apply. Don't be overwhelmed buy the scope of these rules, the basics are simple, ride there and do what the route sheet tells you. I would advise the prudent rally rider to print out a copy of these rules for your reference. I know I will.

There will be photo bonuses. All formats will be accepted, digital, Polaroid and film. Polaroid has been the standard for years but is of course fading away, if you’ve got a Polaroid and want to use it great. Film would be acceptable but you need to have it developed before you can get scored and that has obvious disadvantages. I will be attempting to accommodate most digital storage formats. But it will ultimately be the rider’s responsibility to be able to show the scorer your pictures. If your camera has a large enough screen on the back to see enough detail that will work. Otherwise you can download your photos and show them on your laptop. My laptop will be available as I’m sure a few others will be too and I’ll have a multi card reader. But you might need to have your own cord if it’s something other than a mini USB.

This is a rally, not a race. An endurance ride is about riding. If you think wide-open, raw speed will help you do well, think again. In addition to the affect on fuel mileage and winds tiring you quicker, 21 or more mph over the speed limit is go-to-jail speed in most states. In fact, bonuses on the route are intentionally selected to discourage speeding (i.e. even if you went a bajillion mph, you’d just get there before it opens and have to stand around and wait). You want to risk your license for that?? To state the obvious, you can’t win a rally that you don’t finish. Besides, what would your mom say?

Helpful hints for successful rallying

1) Every answer/bonus stop/checkpoint MUST include time and odometer reading on the route sheet.

2) No sharing of receipts. If you’re riding with another competitor, each rider must obtain their own required item.

3) Receipts must show date and location.

4) A $1 coin with that Casino’s name is required as proof of visit.

5) If a bonus requires you to follow a specific road as part of the bonus and the road detours, you must follow the detour as directed.

6) There is no hint #6… or is there?

7) Receipts must be from the required city. Close doesn’t count.

8) What you turn in, we’re gonna keep. If you really like it, you better buy 2.

9) To receive points for a bonus stop, you must do what is required.

10) All finishing positions and awards are tentative. We review all score sheets for accuracy and make adjustments as necessary.

11) If the rules and instructions seem unusually clear to you, you must have misunderstood.

12) If a judges decision is required regarding acceptance or validity on a rider’s score sheet, the decision will be made with regards to fairness for all competitors.

13) It is your responsibility to note the hours that a location is to be open. If you mistakenly get there some other time, that’s your problem.

14) No exceptions are made for uncontrollable problems including-but not limited to:
weather, traffic, bike trouble, getting lost, trouble getting receipt, sun spots, etc.

15) Politeness at all locations is critical. We are there because they invited us. You WILL be on your best behavior at the rally locations. Smile and thank them for what they’ve done.

16) We feel that poor communication is a problem, but we don’t want to talk about it.

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